We’re 100%

We’re 100%

Donate Here

 For your family and guests


Recurring Donors, please do not donate twice by accident!

To check your family’s status, search for a name below, or tap the Donor Login link in the footer and enter the email associated with your recurring donation.

Additional funds are carried over from year to year!
View our Financials →


To donate by check, please mail to:

Lake Burton Fireworks
P.O. Box 515
Clayton, GA 30525

Please include a note with an updated email address and indicate how you would like the donor name (or names) to be listed.


Donors who donate more than $125 will be recognized with an * in our donor list below and in our annual letter to the Lake Burton community.
$550 of $120,000 raised from 6 donations.

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Donation Total: $125.00 One Time


Donors with an * donated more than the suggested amount.
Thank you to all the families who contribute!
We accept donations through the end of each calendar year; additional funds are carried over from year to year.

  • Dan and Jeanine Marlow
  • Dan and Jeanine Marlow
  • Jim & Elise Berryhill
  • Jim & Elise Berryhill
  • Dan and Jeanine Marlow
  • Letha Griffin